Experiencing hip and back pain? We check for a leg length difference at ArchRite podiatry. Did you know, approximately 50% of adults have a difference of some degree between the length of the lower limbs? From our experience, it appears that sometimes it’s a trait that you inherit. If you experience any pain, then any difference in your leg length may be significant. Accuracy is the Key! Both in how it is measured and how it is treated.
“Did you know, approximately 50% of adults have a difference of some degree between the length of the lower limbs?”
My clothes walk!
Do you notice this happening to you? Annoyingly, clothes seems to twist around the body during the day. Or do your ankles knock against your shoe frequently? Or are your shoes showing excessive scuffing on the inside edge. The wear pattern on the sole of the shoe will often be different between the left and right.
Other painful problems that can be associated with a leg length inequality include:
Hip pain
Foot pain
Recurrent ankle sprains
Lower back pain
Unusual wear patterns on your shoes
Scoliosis in the spine
Pelvic pain
Knee pain
In a STRUCTURAL or anatomical difference the amount is measurable within the leg bones. For example, a femur bone on the right may be shorter than on the left. This can be present from childhood. It may be acquired if for instance a fractured femur may heal in a longer or shorter position than it was originally.
In a FUNCTIONAL difference the lower limb is acting as a longer leg due to an abnormal position of the foot or knee. For example, if one foot rolls in (the arch flattens) more than the other, this will cause the whole limb on that side to drop down. This will then appear to be a short leg as indicated in this picture.
As it is possible to create an injury by treating a perceived difference without knowing for sure… we believe guessing is not acceptable. We refer patients for EOS medical imaging to accurately measure a suspected Structural difference. EOS is a new imaging system evolved from a Nobel Prize invention. It captures life-size full body images using less radiation, up to 9 times less than a conventional x-ray.
Our biomechanical examination always includes investigation for Structural & Functional leg length differences
A Structural leg length difference can be treated easily with either a prescribed height heel lift, full sole raise or prescription orthotics with intrinsic raise.
A functional difference is also very treatable with the correct understanding and treatment of what is causing it.
EOS image of a structural leg length difference causing a pelvic tilt and spinal curvature (scoliosis)